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Nine MOW workers on the Class III Florida Gulf & Atlantic Railroad have voted 8-1 to join the BMWED and will be assigned to the Allied Federation.
Approximately 70 maintenance of way employees on traveling production gangs with Genesee & Wyoming Railroad Engineering Services voted today to become members of the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes (BMWED). They are the first of the mobile gangs on the G&W to join the ranks of our Brotherhood.
Today the 11 previously non-union workers at the Illinois Railway, LLC division of OmniTRAX were officially recognized as members of the Burlington System Division of the BMWED-IBT.
Bombardier Transportation maintenance of way employees working on Florida's SunRail commuter line are the newest members of the BMWED, voting last week to join the Brotherhood's Allied Federation.
The 20-member track maintenance group is based out of Sanford, Fla. Official certification of the vote is expected this week.
Maintenance of way department employees on the New England Central Railroad, who voted to join the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Division earlier this year, today ratified their first contract and are now officially part of the BMWED's Northeastern System Federation. By a vote of 14-1, the 20-person NECR MOW department has its first-ever Union contract.
Hundreds of BMWED members and their families stand in Kansas City and 49 other U.S. cities to push for a national healthcare system that covers everyone. As members of Congress return to their home districts for the spring recess, they will be greeted by a broad coalition of doctors, nurses, students, patients, and Unionized railroad construction workers, demanding “Improved Medicare For All,” a single-payer health plan that covers all Americans.
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