On May 15,
1997, the International Association (IA), comprised of
Grand Lodge and system officers, held a full day of
discussion on whether the BMWE should affiliate with the
Service Employees International Union (SEIU). After
an intense eight hours, the assembled officers voted
"No" to the affiliation. Had they voted
"Yes," the proposal would have been sent to the
membership for ratification or rejection. (See the June
1997 issue of the Journal for full coverage of
this subject.) The officers
reassembled on May 16, to put in another day of
discussion about issues of importance to maintenance of
way workers.
The first speaker was Jim Boehner of
the Railroad Retirement Board, filling in for Labor
Member Butch Speakman who had to attend an Occupational
Disability Task Force meeting as well as meet with the
Republican leadership of the Committee which has
jurisdiction over the Boards budget.
Boehner spoke at length about the
railroads attack on the occupational disability
pension benefit and how the rail unions and Speakman and
his staff are fighting back. He also noted that on the
coldest (40 degrees below zero with the wind chill
factor) day in Chicago last year, the Board was picketed
for the first time since it was created.
Union members, including a large
proportion from the BMWE, and their supporters
"werent picketing the workers of the Railroad
Retirement Board, but were picketing the fact that you
had two Board members that were doing everything possible
to adversely affect vulnerable, disabled, sick members in
the rail industry."
Boehners remarks were
supplemented by BMWE Counsel Don Griffin who had attended
the most recent Task Force meeting.
After questions and answers, the next
speakers were Bruce Fine, FRA Associate Administrator and
George Gavalla, FRA project coordinator and former
Signalmen Research Director. Both men gave excellent
presentations on the critical safety issues of today,
followed by questions and answers.
Gavalla said that while he doesnt
like "to single out any individual because all this
work is a team effort," he felt he had to point out
BMWE Director of Safety "Rick Inclimas
marshaling of" the equipment safety issue. "The
way he brought that to our attention, he did it in such a
way that it couldnt be ignored ... his
skillfulness, Ive got to give him credit for
Next on the agenda was Grand Lodge
Secretary-Treasurer W. E. LaRue who presented his annual
financial report. Later in the day, LaRue also spoke
about Ellis Reporting and introduced BMWE Director of
Information Systems Jim Superfisky and BMWE Information
Analyst Rick Forbes who gave a live demonstration of the
BMWE on the Internet. LaRue praised the work of
Superfisky and Forbes in his department.
Other reports were given by Vice
President Gary Housch, report on Canada; Legislative
Director Mike DeEmilio, legislative report; Director of
Research Joel Myron, bargaining report; Bill Bon, legal
Southwestern Region Vice President
Larry Borden introduced a resolution regarding the
balanced budget amendment before Congress. Beginning,
"Whereas, the budget plan agreed to by the Clinton
administration and the Republican congressional
leadership makes the wrong choices for working families,
one that takes from them at a time when they can ill
afford it and rewards upper-income taxpayers at a time
when they least deserve it," the resolution resolves
"that as the budget debate takes place over the next
six months, the BMWE will inject the voices of working
families into every discussion and every decision,
fighting to change the political atmosphere that led to
its making." Seconded by General Chairman Jed Dodd,
the resolution passed unanimously.
Secretary-Treasurer LaRue then gave a
report on the status of the Maintenance of Way Political
League (MWPL). He reported that donations for 1996 were
$156,789.36, an increase of $15,000 from the year before,
and participation increased by 223 members. The sum of
$154,983.00 was donated to 217 candidates and committees
in 1996.
Backed by vivid and impressive slides,
the highlight of the day was the presentation of the
annual MWPL awards. These were:
Highest Contributing Member
William Glisson
Highest Contributing Retiree
John Mack
Highest Contributing Full-time
Tony Wheeler
Outstanding Legislative Director
Gary Scott (Missouri)
Highest Contributing Subordinate Lodge
Accepted by Sam Baca, Subordinate Lodge 2414 (AT&SF)
Lodge President
Highest Contributing System
Accepted by Mark Hemphill, AT&SF System Federation
General Chairman
Highest Contributing Region
Accepted by Leon Fenhaus, Northwest Region Chairman.