Dual Benefit Payments
The payment of a railroad retirement annuity can be affected by
entitlement to social security benefits, as well as certain other
government benefits. Such dual entitlement, if not reported to the
Railroad Retirement Board, can result in benefit overpayments which
have to be repaid, sometimes with interest and penalties. The
following questions and answers describe how dual benefit payments are
adjusted by the Railroad Retirement Board for annuitants eligible for
social security benefits and/or other government benefit payments.
How are dual benefits paid to persons entitled to both railroad
retirement and social security benefits?
Since 1975, if a railroad retirement annuitant is also awarded a
social security benefit, the Social Security Administration determines
the amount due, but a combined monthly dual benefit payment should, in
most cases, be issued by the Railroad Retirement Board after the
railroad retirement annuity has been reduced for the social security
Why is a railroad retirement annuity reduced when a social security
benefit is also payable?
The tier I portion of a railroad retirement annuity is based on
both railroad retirement and nonrailroad social security credits
acquired by an employee and reflects what social security would pay if
railroad work were covered by social security. Tier I benefits are,
therefore, reduced by the amount of any actual social security benefit
paid on the basis of nonrailroad employment, in order to prevent a
duplication of benefits based on the same earnings.
The tier I dual benefit reduction also applies to the annuity of an
employee qualified for social security benefits on the earnings record
of another person, such as a spouse. And, the tier I portion of a
spouse or survivor annuity is reduced for any social security
entitlement, even if the social security benefit is based on the
spouse's or survivor's own earnings. The reductions follow principles
of social security law which, in effect, limit payment to the higher
of any two or more benefits payable to an individual at one time.
However, the tier II portion of a railroad retirement annuity is
based on railroad service and earnings alone, is computed under a
separate formula, and is not reduced for entitlement to a social
security benefit.
Are there any exceptions to the railroad retirement annuity
reduction for social security benefits?
No. However, if an employee qualified for dual benefits before 1975
and meets certain vesting requirements, he or she can receive an
additional annuity amount which offsets, in part, the dual benefits
reduction. This additional amount, reflecting the dual benefits
payable prior to 1975, is called a vested dual benefit payment.
Legislation enacted in 1974 coordinated dual railroad retirement and
social security benefit payments to eliminate certain duplications;
but this legislation also included a "grandfather" provision
to preserve the pre-1975 dual benefits of persons meeting certain
vesting requirements by including vested dual benefit payments in
their annuities.
Awards of these vested dual benefit amounts are now limited only to
vested railroad employeeswith dual coverage on their own earnings.
Spouses and widow(er)s retiring since 1981 no longer qualify. Of some
12,000 employee annuities awarded in Fiscal Year 1999, less than 600
contained vested dual benefit payments.
Are there any funding limitations on the payment of vested dual
Vested dual benefit payments are funded by annual appropriations
from general U.S. Treasury revenues, rather than the railroad
retirement payroll taxes and other revenues that finance 98% of the
railroad retirement system's benefit payments. Payment of these vested
dual benefits is dependent on the time and amount of such
appropriations. If the appropriation in a fiscal year is for less than
the estimated total vested dual benefit payments, individual payments
must be reduced by proration. Vested dual benefits are not increased
by cost-of-living adjustments.
Can federal, state, or local government pensions also require dual
benefit reductions in a railroad retirement annuity?
Tier I benefits for employees first eligible for a railroad
retirement annuity and a federal, state or local government pension
after 1985 may be reduced for receipt of a public pension based, in
part or in whole, on employment not covered by social security or
railroad retirement after 1956. This also applies to certain other
payments not covered by social security, such as payments from a
non-profit organization or from a foreign government or a foreign
employer. However, it does not include military service pensions,
payments by the Department of Veterans Affairs, or certain benefits
payable by a foreign government as a result of a totalization
agreement between that government and the United States.
This public service pension reduction is effected by adjusting
certain weighting factors in the social security and tier I benefit
formulas. These factors increase benefits for workers with low
lifetime social security and/or railroad retirement earnings. The
weighting factors were not, however, intended to increase benefits for
those whose major employment was not covered by social security or
railroad retirement.
How does the public service pension apply to spouse or widow(er)'s
The tier I portion of a spouse's or widow(er)'s annuity may also be
reduced for receipt of any federal, state or local pension separately
payable to the spouse or widow(er) based on her or his own earnings.
The reduction generally does not apply if the employment on which the
public pension is based was covered by social security on the last day
of public employment. (A special rule applies to federal employees who
switch from the Civil Service Retirement System to the Federal
Employees Retirement System.) For spouses and widow(er)s subject to
the government pension reduction, the tier I reduction is equal to 2/3
of the amount of the government pension. The public service pension
reduction in railroad retirement spouse and widow(er) benefits was
effected by 1977 social security legislation which also applied to the
tier I portion of railroad retirement spouse and widow(er) annuities.
Since a social security spouse or widow(er) benefit is reduced if the
beneficiary is also entitled to a social security benefit based on her
or his own earnings, it was considered equitable that a social
security spouse or widow(er) benefit also be reduced for a public
service pension based on the beneficiary's own non-social security
What dual benefit restrictions apply when both a husband and wife
are rail employees entitled to railroad retirement annuities?
If both the husband and wife are qualified railroad employees and
either has some railroad service before 1975, both can receive
separate railroad retirement employee and spouse annuities, without a
full dual benefit reduction under the phase-out provisions of the 1974
Railroad Retirement Act. However, if both the husband and wife started
railroad employment after 1974, only the railroad retirement employee
annuity or the spouse annuity, whichever he or she chooses, is
If a widow(er) is qualified for a railroad retirement employee
annuity as well as a widow(er)'s annuity, a special guaranty applies
in some cases. If both the widow(er) and the deceased employee started
railroad employment after 1974, the survivor annuity payable to the
widow(er) is reduced by the amount of the employee annuity.
If either the deceased employee or the widow(er) had some railroad
service before 1975 but had not completed 120 months of service before
1975, the employee annuity and the tier II portion of the widow(er)
annuity would be payable to the widow(er). The tier I portion of the
widow(er)'s annuity would be payable only to the extent that it
exceeds the tier I portion of the employee annuity.
If either the deceased employee or the widow(er) completed 120
months of railroad service before 1975, the widow or dependent widower
may receive both an employee annuity and a survivor annuity, without a
full dual benefit reduction.
Can workers' compensation or public disability benefits affect
railroad retirement benefits?
If an employee is receiving a disability annuity, tier I benefits
for the employee and spouse may, under certain circumstances, be
reduced for receipt of workers' compensation or public disability
How can an annuitant find out if receipt of any dual benefits might
affect his or her railroad retirement annuity?
If an annuitant becomes entitled to any of the previously discussed
dual benefit payments, or if there is any question as to whether a
dual benefit payment requires a reduction in an annuity, a Board field
office should be contacted. In any situation, the best rule is,
"When in doubt—report."
For the phone number or address of the nearest Board field office,
annuitants should look in the telephone directory under "United
States Government," or check with their local union official,
rail employer, post office, or Federal Information Center. Annuitants
can also find the address and phone number of the Board office serving
their area by calling the automated toll-free RRB Help- Line at
1-800-808-0772 or by checking the Board's Web site at www.rrb.gov.
Most Board field offices are open to the public from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30
p.m., Monday through Friday. |