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If you're a new member to BMWED, welcome! This page has resources for you to learn more about why we need unions in the railroad industry, the history of labor unions in general, and some tools to help you get a feel for everything we do together in our union!

Your General Chairperson, in your System Division or Federation, is the best person to ask about work rules like overtime, seniority, bidding, bumping, and so on. They are the officer in our union who is the best authority on your collective bargaining agreement.

Your National Division officers and staff provide tools, information and support to help our entire union get our work done. You can learn more about our Safety Department, Legislative Department, Organizing Department, and other National Division work on different parts of our BMWED website.

Your Local Lodge is the place to get the absolute latest information on things affecting you right where you work, alongside your sisters and brothers! At your Local Lodge meeting you can also take part in votes and debate that help steer our union as a whole.

Why Do We Need Railroad Unions Video (click to watch!)

Download the New Members' Welcome Guide!

This presentation may help you get a better feel for what we do in our union!

General Labor History Resources -  Get to know more about unions in general!

As a BMWED Teamster, you are part of the strongest labor union in the world! Learn more about what it means to be a Teamster here!


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