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As a railroad worker, you have protections under federal law against retaliation, harassment, intimidation, or other adverse actions taken against you for the performance of a safety-related activity. While many of us are familiar with the Federal Railroad Administration's regulation of rail safety, our Whistleblower protections are administered by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

The Federal Railroad Safety Act's §20109 provides legal protections for rail workers performing safety related activities. Your officers may often refer to "20109" cases, which are cases that deal with your whistleblower protections under the law!

If you feel you've been harassed, intimidated, or retaliated against for performing safety-related work or reporting, reach out to your BMWED representative as soon as you can! If you and your BMWED representative determine you have a potential whistleblower case, contact your BMWED Designated Legal Counsel (DLC) and build your team to pursue a successful whistleblower claim and keep your railroad accountable!

This page offers a variety of resources to help you understand your rights, your responsibilities, and your pathways for action within the whistleblower protections you have as a railroad worker.

OSHA Information Sheet - Your Rights as a Whistleblower

OSHA Information Sheet - Whistleblower Protection for Railroad Workers

Whistleblowers.gov - OSHA's Online "Hub" for its Whistleblower Protection Program

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