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In order to conduct an effective business within a BMWED meeting we need standards that allow our members to chance to communicate with one another, preserve fairness, maintain accurate records of business we conduct, and ensure that all who desire to speak on any topic are given an opportunity to do so. This is true whether you have a Local Lodge meeting with just a few sisters and brothers, or if you are a Delegate to our National Convention.

BMWED uses our Ritual and our Bylaws to establish how we conduct our business. Where these authorities are silent on any question of order or conduct, we use the parliamentary procedure laid out within Robert's Rules of Order to conduct our meetings and assemblies.

All BMWED officers, at every level, should learn and understand how to use parliamentary procedure and Robert's Rules. This page provides resources, tips, and handy guidance for our members and leaders to ensure we can conduct our union business in a timely, fair, and productive manner.

Jim Slaughter has served as BMWED's Parliamentarian for many years, supporting our National Conventions and providing other guidance to our officers and members. His website has many handy resources for those looking to develop their skills in parliamentary procedure.

Guidance from Jim Slaughter, Parliamentarian, on Effectively Handling Parliamentary Motions

Guidance from Jim Slaughter, Parliamentarian, on Effective Meeting Minutes

Quick Reference of Phrases for a Presiding Officer Using Parliamentary Procedure

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