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NOTE! These resources are SUPPLEMENTAL resources for BMWED officers and staff to gain greater insight into the unique conduct and procedures our officers must understand to more effectively represent BMWED members facing a disciplinary hearing or investigation.


These resources do not replace specific training or guidance from your General Chairperson, BMWED National Division officers, or our BMWED Arbitration Department. Before you take on the responsibility to represent a BMWED member during a disciplinary hearing or investigation, you MUST coordinate such representative work with your General Chairperson and receive identified training as a BMWED representative.


The intent behind these resources is to further develop our union's depth and understanding of the theory and practice within hearing procedures and foster professional development among our BMWED officers and staff. Use of these materials as an introductory, stand-alone training resource for new officers or staff is NOT advised.


For more specific guidance, training, or direction on disciplinary hearing procedure or conduct, contact your BMWED General Chairperson.




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