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BMWED National Division Disaster Relief: Hurricane Ian

Published: Sep 30 2022 12:07PM

September 29, 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters: 

Many BMWED Members have been directly affected by the Hurricane Ian natural disaster. 

The National Division Executive Board approved to provide $2,000 to those members who lost immediate housing at their primary residence and their jobs; and $500 to members who lost their jobs but who have immediate housing OR has lost immediate housing, but has not lost their job, as a result of this natural disaster. 

Because there is damage across Florida who took a direct hit and other States on the Eastern Seaboard being affected by this storm, involving multiple System Divisions and Federations, we are relying on the System Divisions and Federations to canvass their membership and help facilitate providing the completed application to National Division for review, approval and processing of the payments. Attached are the forms that require completion by the applying member for the respective Disaster Relief benefit. Please note that the member must complete the form and provide supporting documents to verify loss for eligibility. 

Completed applications and supporting documentation must be submitted to disasterrelief@bmwe.org for review and processing. Questions regarding disaster relief benefits for Members that have been impacted by Hurricane Ian should also be submitted to disasterrelief@bmwe.org

Application for $2,000 to those members who lost immediate housing at their primary residence and their jobs

Application for $500 to members who lost their jobs but who have immediate housing OR has lost immediate housing, but has not lost their job


Tony D. Cardwell 
BMWED National Division President