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Burlington Northern System Federation Holds Thirteenth Regular Joint Protective Board Meeting

Published: Jun 6 2024 10:47AM




BMWED Burlington Northern System Federation Joint Protective Board delegates re-elected General Chairman John Mozinski at its 13th Regular Meeting May 28 through 30 in Polson, Montana.


The Joint Protective Board consists of Local Chairpersons elected from each of the BURNOR’s 29 Local Lodges throughout the system. It meets every four years as prescribed by the system federation bylaws and together elects system officers. In addition to that prime responsibility, the JPB sets system federation policy and priorities, considers bylaw amendments, reviews finances and expenses, among other important procedures.


Joining Brother Mozinski in election were as follows:

Josh Merrier, Vice Chairman-Secretary-Treasurer Zone 5

Matt Scherbing, Vice General Chairman Zone 4

Daniel Burbach, Vice General Chairman Zone 3

Calvin Farley, Vice General Chairman Zone 2

Tim Gillum, Vice General Chairman Zone 1


Executive Committee members: Alex Pepos (Chairman); Michael Sorman (Secretary); Chris Nelson; and Michael Schori.


Congratulations to those elected and to the members of the Burlington Northern System Federation. Solidarity!